Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Little Bit To Know About Me!!!

So, today is the first time for me to "blog"! I wanted to start a blog so that I could keep in touch with all my friends and family near and far, especially since me and my husband just had our first little bundle of joy!
As you all know, I had a great pregnancy and I must say that I really miss being pregnant, but being pregnant got replaced with the greatest little blessing that anyone could ask for! I can't remember anytime during my pregnancy that I was sick. Of course the need for sleep was even greater than it was before. Before I got pregnant me and my husband James, had decided NOT to find out the sex of the baby, and I can honestly say that it made my delievery that much more special! Though I always had someone that disagreed with our decision!
As time flew by, my OB apointments came and went every month and James and I ALWAYS looked forward to them! (James went to every appointment with me except for one.) As time for our arrival neared our appointments started happening every week for the last 4 weeks. Every week we would anticipate, and wonder what the doctor would say, and every week we would ask the same questions! Am I dialated any? Am I effaced? Has the baby dropped? And every week we got the same answers. NO, NO, and NO. At 38 weeks of pregnancy the doctor ordered an ultrasound the next week to get and estimate of how much the baby weighed because every week when she did a external feeling of the baby, she thought it was a big baby. 39 weeks we did an ultrasound and boy was she right! Our baby was already measuring 8lb. 11oz.
We anxiously waited for my OB to come in the room to see what she had to say. She did an internal exam (still no changes), and took a look at the ultrasound.
The words that I had feared came out of her mouth! "We need to schedule you for a c section next week. Your body hasn't done any changes and your baby is too big." Out the room she went, and we followed behind. Later that day my OB office called and gave me the date and time I was going to be having our baby!
November 25, 2009 was going to be the big day!
Of course the night before our big day I couldn't sleep. I had so many thoughts going through my head. Finally the time had come! Me and my husband got up and got ready to go the the hospital! When we left the house all I could think about was the next time we walk in this house there will be 3 instead of 2.
We arrived at the hospital around 10:00 AM, and I got checked in, they gave me and IV, fluids were running, BP cuff was on, and the monitor was hooked up to watch what our little one was doing! Around 1130 AM the anestisiologist came in and gave his spill on what was going to happen to me while I was in his hands, and shortly after, my doctor came to wheel me into the OR!
I realized then "oh my goodness, I'm having a baby!"
I got settled in the OR and they brought in my husband. I was so nervous, and I think he was too. The doctors announced that they were making the incision and a few minutes later, my husband got to tell me "ITS A GIRL!!!!" We were so overwhelmed with emotion! We were soooo happy!
I can remember hearing all our friends and family that were waiting in the hallway! They were sooo excited!
We named her Larkin Paige. She weighed 9lb. 7oz. and was 21 inches long! She had a head full of hair and of course was the cutest little thing we had ever seen!
Of course she is the sweetest thing and she already has her mommy and daddy's heart! We both love her so much and can't imagine our lives without her now! Our whole world has changed!